Sylax Klossowski

Purple king, fashion icon... Goose hater?

"So, you've come to me have you? I'm flattered, really. It's not every day such a lovely face comes by just for me. What can I do for you?"

If you ever need to find Sylax, you won't have much of a challenge - even with his unusual travelling habits. All you need to do is ask for the strange, purple-haired elezen with an odd taste in fashion and odds are, you'll end up being pointed in the right direction.

(This carrd is still a WIP!)

Sylax 101

"You want to know about little old me? Well, by all means."

  • Name: Sylax Klossowski

  • Age: 25

  • Gender: Non-binary (He/They)

  • Race: Elezen (Wildwood)

  • Place of origin: South Shroud

  • Main classes: Red Mage, Bard, Weaver

  • Sexuality: Pansexual

  • Relationship status: Single

Sylax in RP

"What kind of person am I? I didn't know I signed up for a philosophy class. You're lucky I like you."

  • Sylax isn't afraid to take a gamble. At all. Challenge him to a game of chance? He'll rise to it. Win or lose, it's the thrill that matters.

  • Notoriously bad with money among certain groups in Eorzea. Often borrowing gil from individuals - more often then not from unreputable sources - Sylax is often at least in some kind of debt. (Though, he does give surprisingly good finacial advice to other people!)

  • Very rarely passes up on the chance to show off. (On the odd chance he does, the reason's never likely one you'd like to hear.)

  • Despite the fact he's a huge flirt with a supposed vanity problem, Sylax is often overcompensating due to his desire to try and win over people however he can.

  • A massive flirt to anyone he meets, Sylax tries to work his way into people's hearts through his words - though not just for the sake of gaining something from them. Sylax often struggles with his own self-image and identity, and his attempts at warming people to him is greatly influenced by his desire for a sense of belonging and acceptance - and a very strong hunger for other people's attention.

  • Isn't quick to trust strangers, despite his approachability. It takes a lot to gain his trust, but once you have it, his loyalty is ensured.

  • Has an issue with tremors, most typically in his left hand.

Behind the purple curtains.

"And now we get to the mastermind - the orchestrator of my doom."

Well, if you've decided to learn about me, the person behind this purple mess of an elezen - Hello!

I'm a semi-casual 22 year old RPer all the way from the UK, who made the mad decision to make the server of Balmung my home! (I use he/they pronouns!)

While I may be somewhat fresh to RPing in FFXIV, I've had previous RP experience in the past among forum sites and such.

You can contact me on Discord at raumite#7579 !

(I don't bite, I promise. Unless you want me to.)

RP Hooks

"You know me? Even though we've never met? Oh, do tell."

  • Gambling - Sylax is a regular operator in a number of gambling competitions - whether legal, such as types you'd commonly see in the Gold Saucer - or in more back alley and off the book competitions. Perhaps you've played against him, or heard about him among those circles?

  • Money borrowing - to fund his habits, Sylax has a tendency to borrow gil from whatever sources are willing to provide. In some cases, he still owes some individuals gil. Perhaps he's borrow from you before? Or perhaps you work for someone he hasn't payed back yet, and you've been employed to track him down and get that gil back?

  • Performing - Sylax often goes around performing music at various establishments. While he mainly focuses on music, he does also have a passion for theatre and dance. Perhaps you've heard him somewhere you've travelled, you've heard his name from someone else, or perhaps you even want to hire him for a performance?

  • Nobody can know the truth.

Voice headcanon: Tom Ellis